Montagne Leadership Team

Years 5-8

While remembering that the Marcellin Group Educator of your child is your first point of contact at the College if there are things you need assistance with.  There is, however, a support structure behind the Marcellin Group Educator.  Each Learning Experience now has a designated Leader within their team, along with a Leader of Community, Faith & Ministry, and Learning.  

This team has responsibilities in supporting students and educators in their learning experience and the leaders provide extra support to an individual year-level.  Below are the images of these teams, their titles, and the year levels they support.

Mr Liam Hawkey
Head of Montagne

Mrs  Pippa Rorke
Montagne Learning Leader

Year 7

Mr Luke Newell
Montagne Community Leader

Years 5 and 6

Ms Nicole Klicki
Montagne Faith & Ministry Leader

Year 8