Learning from Home

Learning from home

In line with the Victorian government all students are learning from home during Term 3.

Supervision at Marist in Term 3

Download the Application to attend school during learning from home. Approval from the Principal is required before students can attend.

The experience at school will be different this time for the following reasons:

  • Students in Year 7-12 will be required to wear a face covering at all times.

  • Students will not be supervised by their regular educator as the vast majority of educators will be directing learning from their own home.

  • Students will have their temperature checked on arrival each day.

  • Montagne and Champagnat students will be following a full timetable so the previous free time and exercise activities will not take place each day.

  • La Valla students will be supervised in Montagne and La Valla will be closed.

The reasons a student can be granted permission to attend school are:

  • they cannot be supervised at home by a parent or guardian as they must attend their workplace.

  • the child is vulnerable. This definition can be clarified after discussion between Marist and home.

  • the child has a disability.

Due to the arrangements we will need to implement to cater for these students, you are asked to complete the application as early as possible.

Learning from home

Show us your learning

We would love to see you learning at home with your families and share it with our school community via Facebook and our Newsletters.

  • What have you been learning?

  • Where are your lessons taking place?

  • What 'extra' learning have you done?

Please send through your photos to newsletters@marist.vic.edu.au